Press Coverage

fairy swallow pigeonDomyan et al. (2016) Molecular shifts in limb identity underlie development of feathered feet in two domestic avian species. eLife.

University of Utah press release


mental floss

Daily Mail, London

The Scientist

Sciences et Avenir (France)

This Week in Evolution (Podcast)


english trumptersDomyan et al. (2014) Epistatic and combinatorial effects of pigmentary gene mutations in the domestic pigeon. Current Biology.

University of Utah press release

Salt Lake Tribune (includes videos)

Christian Science Monitor

Audubon magazine

Libération (France)


science coverShapiro et al. (2013) Genomic diversity and evolution of the head crest in the rock pigeon. Science.

University of Utah press release

New York Times (also see The Learning Network activity)



Science News

BBC News

National Science Foundation

Discovery news

The Raw Story

Knight Science Journalism Tracker

National Geographic

Financial Times

Público (Portugal; link to pdf)

La Repubblica (Italy; link to pdf)

International Science Grid This Week

current biology cover

Stringham et al. (2012) Divergence, convergence, and the ancestry of feral populations in the domestic rock pigeon. Current Biology.

University of Utah: press release and video soundbites and B-roll (Youtube)

Scientific American: article and slideshow

Salt Lake Tribune

ScienceNOW: High-performance pigeons have a dirty little secret

Audubon magazine

Asian News International

United Press International

The Mirror, London What pigeons teach us about convergent evolution


Other coverage

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